Thursday, December 9, 2010

The legend of Marvin McNut

        One day in the year 1706 a young man was born in the state of Texas. No one knew how he got there but somehow he did. No one knew who he belonged to so the city of Austin adopted him. They named him Marvin McNut. That boy did everything the same as all of the other boys did. He went to school, he swam, and he played sports.   But one night; McNut started to grow, and grow and grow and grow until the roof of his house busted open.

         That morning when the town’s people woke up and saw Marvin they were shocked. One man said, “He’s the size of two houses!
         Another man hollered, “He’s a giant!” Some of the people were scared and others were surprised.
         He said, I just grew overnight”. So as time past the people started liking him. The town folks had figured that he was old enough to start logging. The men took him logging one day and they went up north. They went to Indiana and it only took Marvin three steps to get there.

 When he was there he had found something; he had found an animal; not just an animal but a giant red fox. He had found him lying on the ground almost dead. He was dehydrated and he said, I’m going to dig that fox a drinking hole even if it kills me!”So he dug him a drinking hole. This drinking hole is known as Lake Michigan. Marvin got to know the fox and he because his best friend. He named him Red Fox After many adventures, the two settled in a large home in the Arctic Circle. They have never been seen again. Only a small few still remember the pair, but the legacy lives on. They are not recorded in any history books or records, but this is the only book that contains the information.

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